
This is the interior design and graphic design for Tempura restaurant "Tensei" in Kitashinchi, Osaka. In order to spend comfortably in a shop without windows, the paintings of landscape is installed on the center of the wall. In addition, a large vase was added, and the interior material was made of a combination of wood and achromatic walls, creating an elegant and high-class design. Like the name of “Tensei”, the logo was expressed with the letters “Ten” to indicate that the rain was stopping, the clouds were removed, and the sky was clear. 大阪北新地の天ぷら屋「天晴」のインテリアデザインとロゴ、印刷物のグラフィックデザインです。窓のない店内で心地よく過ごせるように、風景のような絵画を中心に飾り、それを見ながらゆっくり過ごせるようにしました。また大きめの一輪挿しを設けたり、内装材は木の素材と無彩色の壁を組み合わせることで、上品で高級感のあるデザインにしました。「天晴」という店名のように、雨が上がり、雲が除け、天が晴れる様子を「天」という文字でロゴを表現しました。
Date: 2019. 10
Type: Restaurant, Graphic design
Status: Complete
Location: Kitashinchi, Osaka
Floor area: 24.0㎡
Date: 2019. 10
Type: Restaurant, Graphic design
Status: Complete
Location: Kitashinchi, Osaka
Floor area: 24.0㎡