Kumamoto Toilet Proposal

This is a competition proposal for public toilets in Kumamoto Art Police. A clean and artificial building was constructed using various contrasts so that it would coexist with the surrounding nature. Inorganic aluminum exterior walls and wooden roofs, bent and reflective walls and powerful straight roofs. The two materials and their composition create a strong architecture while harmonizing with nature. くまもとアートポリスの公衆トイレのコンペ案です。公衆トイレという清潔で人工的な建築が、山々に囲まれた周囲の自然と共存するように、様々な対比を用いて構成しました。無機質なアルミの外壁と木造の屋根、折れ曲り様々に反射する壁と力強い直線的な屋根。二つの素材とその構成が自然と調和しながらも強くある建築をつくっています。
Date: 2020.6
Type: Public toilet
Status: Unbuilt (proposal)
Location: Tatsutayama, Kumamoto
Floor area: 50㎡
Date: 2020.6
Type: Public toilet
Status: Unbuilt (proposal)
Location: Tatsutayama, Kumamoto
Floor area: 50㎡