momentum factory Orii

It is a design of lighting equipment and wall installation of the exhibition IFFT in collaboration with "momentum factory Orii", a company in Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture that handles traditional techniques for coloring metal. I designed lighting fixtures to give strong impact to the space by the beautiful colors that are characteristic of momentum factory Orii. I designed three types of the products, one is shapes that wrap light using the spinning technique, another has combinations of two colors, and another has geometry that is designed abstract landscape patterns like sunlight and leaves. And I design also installation that was developed from geometric patterns of the lighting fixtures as flat sculpture. It reminds us of various things such as light and shadow, and the disappearance of materials. 金属を着色させる伝統技術を扱う富山県高岡市の企業「モメンタムファクトリーOrii」とコラボした照明器具と展示会「IFFT」の壁面インスタレーションのデザインです。モメンタムファクトリーOriiの特徴である美しい色が空間にインパクトを与える強い要素となるような照明器具を考え、ヘラ絞りの技法を使った光を包む形状のもの、二色組み合わさったもの、幾何学と組み合わさったもの、の3タイプを展示会に出展しました。幾何学的な模様の照明は木漏れ日や草のような風景を抽象化したデザインをしており、この模様を平面彫刻化したものをインスタレーションとして展示しました。光と影、マテリアルの消失といった様々なものを想起させます。
Date: 2021.10
Type: Products design, Installation design
Status: Complete
Location: Ariake, Tokyo
Collaboration: momentum factory Orii, Yukitoshi Toda
Date: 2021.10
Type: Products design, Installation design
Status: Complete
Location: Ariake, Tokyo
Collaboration: momentum factory Orii, Yukitoshi Toda