Kaleidoscope in Quarry

It’s a plan of site-specific art that can reflect the landscape at the site of Inujima’s quarry, which once flourished in the production of stones. The fabric object like stone surface made of pieces of cloth and mirror plays a role like a kaleidoscope that reflects various things and creates a different landscape every time it moves. The viewer wears the scenery of kaleidoscope while they are wrapped in the fabric かつて石の産出で栄えた犬島の石切り場跡地に設置する風景を映し鑑賞できるサイトスペシフィックアートの計画です。布と鏡の断片でできた膜は石のように角ばりながらも様々なものを映す万華鏡のような役割を果たし、動く度に違う風景を創出します。鑑賞者はその膜に包まれるように、再構築された万華鏡の風景をまといます。
Date: 2009.9
Type: Site specific art
Status: Unbuilt (student work)
Location: Inujima, Okayama
Date: 2009.9
Type: Site specific art
Status: Unbuilt (student work)
Location: Inujima, Okayama