I was born

This is the land art "I was born" in Rokko Meets Art 2019. By digging a hole in the ground and giving people a different perspective, we are strongly aware of the existence of the earth, and at the same time “others” see “I” who is experiencing art as an extraordinary looks in a ordinary landscape. It is an art space that connects the relationship between the earth and people. 六甲ミーツアート2019に出展した「私が生まれました」という大地讃頌をテーマにしたランドアートです。地面に穴を掘り人が入れるようにして普段とは違う視点をもたらすことで、大地という存在を強く意識させると同時に、「他者」はアートを体験している「私」を見ると非日常的な風景に見えます。大地と人との関係を新しく結ぶアート空間です。
Date: 2019. 9
Type: Land art
Status: Complete
Location: Rokkosan, Hyogo
Collaboration: Yoshihiro Mikami
Structure: Keisuke Unno
Floor area: 6.0㎡
Date: 2019. 9
Type: Land art
Status: Complete
Location: Rokkosan, Hyogo
Collaboration: Yoshihiro Mikami
Structure: Keisuke Unno
Floor area: 6.0㎡