
This is a lighting equipment that wraps the light as different colors embrace each other. This consists of some copper plates colored in different colors overlapping one another. The beautiful colors emanating from the metal looks like the petals of a flower, creating different expressions depending on the direction of view. Inspired by the image of people embracing each other, the abstracted form expresses the warmness and hope of living with others and supporting each other. 異なる色が互いに抱き合うように、光を包み込む照明器具です。異なる色に着色された銅板が重なり合って一つの形を構成しています。金属から発色した美しい色は、花びらのように重なり、見る方向によって異なる表情を見せてくれます。抱擁し合う人の様子からインスピレーションを受け、抽象化された形は、他者と支え合って生きる暖かさと希望が表現されています。
Date: 2021.7-
Type: Product design
Status: On going
Collaboration: momentum factory Orii, Yukitoshi Toda
Date: 2021.7-
Type: Product design
Status: On going
Collaboration: momentum factory Orii, Yukitoshi Toda